Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Black and White Post Reading #2 (October)

"When you keep a cover on your feelings for so long and they finally break free, it's hard to put them on hold again."

            This is a quote from Black and White. I have actually used this quote but in my own words. There are a million different ways to put this. Don’t hold in your feeling or they’ll one day explode out of you. I have held in my feelings to long before and then one day I just exploded. There is also a girl I know that rarely ever let’s her feelings out. Any time she looks upset I try to ask her what is wrong. I have even seen her cry and I try to help her but she will just try to isolate herself. I really wish she wouldn’t do that but I can’t help it. I also know that if she doesn’t open up to more people, that one more thing will happen to her then she will let everything out and it will actually be a mess of a situation. So everyday, I always try to talk to her just to make sure she is okay.
            There can also be a reference to the actual book Black and White. Like when Marcus and Eddie accidentally shot the man in the parking lot, they had to keep it a secret for so long, even from the police. Although I do not condone lying to anyone with proper authority. They were going to go to jail otherwise, though I would not have lied because I know what lying can do to a person. But they lied and you have to think that if you shot somebody and you lied to the police about it, you would feel a lot of guilt. Plus if you were in Eddie’s position, then your best friend that was at the robbery was the one that got arrested even though he was not the one to shoot the gun. That would put even more guilt on you because your best friend got arrested even though you were the one to commit the crime. Yes he/she (in the book, it’s a he) did try to rob the man but they never had pulled the trigger to that gun.
            This quote taught me to express my feelings. Any time I had a bad day, I might just go to my room and yell. I am not joking; yelling will make you feel so relaxed. This is a quote I might give to my kids in the future if I have any because I wouldn’t want them to one day just have a meltdown towards me or their friends. I will also try to make sure no one else I know has a meltdown at least if I can. Because based on experiences, meltdowns can lead to depression. I would know. I don’t want any of my friends to get depressed in the future like I have in the past. So I always try to help anyone that I possibly can.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Black and White Post Reading

“When the noose gets tight around someone’s neck, they are liable to say anything to save they’re own skin.”

            This is a quote from Black and White. I will explain how this can portray to real life and how it portrays to the book. Well this quote means that in the most desperate situations, you are suitable to lie as long as it is helpful. Think of some people in WW2. Jews begged people to let them in their apartments. A lot of people had let the Jews in, even though it was against the law. When the Nazis came into the apartments and asked the people if they have seen any Jews and they said no to help the Jews because they knew they would be killed, or just threw them under the bus and said yes they are over there because they didn’t want them to search the house and find them then arrest the family holding the Jews in secrets. So lying is okay as long as it actually helps someone and doesn’t hurt anyone is what I have taken from this quote. But do not use lying just for any natural means, like if you don’t want your parents to know that you did something bad. So I will always tell the truth unless something really bad will come out of it.
            There are some ways this relates to the book as well. Like near the beginning when (SPOILERS) Marcus had gone to a police interrogation, he lied to the police to make sure that Eddie would not get caught. Now, I do not advice lying to the police at all. I do not care whether it is to save yourself or your best friend. Whether you have done something bad or not, please never lie to the police and do everything they say if you end up in a situation with them. Police are here so you and everyone around you are safe. Marcus was just using the thought that you can lie in certain times of distress in the wrong way. I honestly would not have lied to the police even if Eddie hated me for life. There are five people and only five who I would do anything for. Three of those are my family and the other two are people who I would not want anything to happen to. But that is just an expression that says you love them way too much. I wish that I felt that I would do anything for them, but I cannot. Those people would have to deal with the fact that I would not lie even to the police for they’re complete help. I truly wish I would but I can’t.
            So I hope this inspired any of my fellow classmates that have not read the book (since you are the only people that have not read the book that will read this) to read the book.